An NCC Section J Report provides information on whether a building design complies with the requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC) Section J. Section J of the NCC sets forth the minimum Energy Efficiency standards for commercial buildings in Australia....
Note: This information is correct at time of publication (February 2023), but will change in Oct 2023 when new legislation is adopted New homes are mostly assessed in Queensland via the NatHERS Star Rating method, or via the Deemed to Satisfy – Elemental...
NCC 2022 UPDATED ADOPTION TIMETABLE NCC 2022 is now available, but will not be officially adopted until 1st May 2023. The exception to the 1st May 2023 adoption date are the NCC 2022 provisions for Energy Efficiency Condensation Mitigation, and Liveable...
The release of NCC 2022 brings major changes to Energy Efficiency. What do you need to know for your projects? 1. 7 Star Minimum The new minimum house rating required for new homes is 7 Stars (out of 10). Previously it was 6 Stars, so this is a significant...
(Click here to view our primer on: Designing for 7 Stars) Recently BERA was invited to speak on a panel regarding the anticipated inclusion of 7 Star Ratings in the upcoming NCC 2022. Here are our thoughts. What challenges do builders and designers face to meet a...